- Royal Society of Medicine and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine postgraduate research prize. Dr Tara Moore was supervisor for the postgraduate student who was awarded the postgraduate research prize.
- Most read paper in Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine for the review by Hall JA (MSc FLM Student) & Moore CBT. 2008 Jul;15 (5):p 291-7.
- Royal Society of Medicine and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine postgraduate research prize. Dr Tara Moore was supervisor for the postgraduate student who was awarded the postgraduate research prize.
- Recognition of teaching excellence through the DTFA and NTF awards.
- Keynote presenter at upcoming Challenge and Change in Higher Education Learning Environment: Process and Practice conference.
- Examples of good practice and exemplar role highlighted in external examiner reports. My coordination of the online immunology module has been endorsed by the external examiner as “exemplar” and is evidenced in the outstanding evaluation reports that have consistently been returned on my teaching.
- Final year students to whom I teach immunology are selected each year for Ulster Immunology Group annual competition for high achievers in Immunology. Last year a University of Ulster student came first place in the competition.
- Innovative approaches to design, delivery, implementation, assessment and coordination of modules/programmes delivered to e learners used as an exemplar model for other staff.
- Dissemination of good practice through mentoring of new staff included acting as assistant course director (CD) for an undergraduate degree and mentoring a new CD and a new Programme Manager advising on daily activities and best practice.
- Dissemination of good practice as e learning coordinator included ‘e-moderation 3-week course’ and maintenance of a successful e tutor system within the university. Design and implemented an e tutor information package supplied to all e tutors giving guidance on issues ranging from student support, assessment guidelines/criteria and running tutorials and chat rooms.
- Within module evaluation student comments included: ‘approachable enthusiastic lecturer with interesting and challenging content and assignments’.
- Within a formal anonymous questionnaire, students (n=160) strongly agreed that I ‘was enthusiastic about the subject, encouraged students to participate/communicate, allowed opportunities for asking questions, maintained student interest during the module and had a good rapport with the students’
- In report on analyses of student questionnaire assessment of teaching for my module (280 e-learning students) 100% of students categorised my teaching as ‘outstanding’. An overall higher level of results was noted with 99.5% of students (n=278) passing with >60% while as many as 21% failed this module in previous yrs.
- Strong student participation on Saturday morning on line tutorials for a module with overall greater retention.