During the first three months of her PhD Eleonora Maurizi had the opportunity to travel to Japan in order to improve her expertise in corneal endothelial cell culture, subject of her research since her MSc graduation thesis.
In Japan she worked alongside the group of Prof Koizumi at Doshisha University of Kyoto, pioneer in this specific field of research.
She also had the possibility to join the Kyoto International Workshop for Visual Science 2013, attend some of the Prof. Kinoshita ophthalmological visits in KPUM (Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine) and some surgical operations in Japan Baptist Hospital in Kyoto and visit CiRA (Center for iPS Research Applications) directed by Dr. Yamanaka.
The cultural exchange together with her professional growth is what made the three months spent in Japan a unique formative experience. Eleonora has now returned to the Vision Science Research Group to continue her PhD studies with Tara Moore.