Tara founded the Ulster University and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOpth) refractive surgery course, the first of its kind in the UK and endorsed by the RCO for raising standards of care in Ophthalmology.
The programme has been designed in collaboration with The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) standards, curriculum and examination committees and is the only endorsed RCOphth refractive surgery programme completed fully online in the UK.
The programme offers a platform to learn the latest complex and sophisticated methodologies in laser and other refractive corneal and lens (IOL) based surgery including preoperative keratoconus screening, toric-IOL diagnostics and calculations, as well as understanding ocular and systemic co-morbidity when considering elective refractive surgery.
A critical approach to multifocal IOL surgery is included based on published safety and efficacy as well as neuro-psychoadaptation. There is much attention focused on the systematisation and optimisation of surgical techniques. Advances in published knowledge provide a more established understanding of therapeutic refractive surgery for complications management.